
The Bulgarian National Horticultural Union (BNHU)

The Bulgarian National Horticultural Union (BNHU) was established in May 2003 as a non-profit organization and the majority of the members of BNHU is major producers of traditional and non-traditional Bulgarian fruit and vegetables and is producer of the 100 % of Bulgarian organic cherry juice.

One of the Union‘s main objectives is to promote the growth of exports and to enhance competitiveness of Bulgarian fruit, vegetables and flowers on international markets. Main objectives of the Union are:

  • The protection of the interests of its members before the legislative, executive and local authorities.
  • To contribute for expanding of export and to consolidate the competitiveness of Bulgarian fresh cherry juice on international markets.
  • Also to issue statements on the existing legislation and to contribute the solution of the problems, hampering the industrial development and the development of professional training for its members.

The bodies of the Union are:

  • General Assembly, Board of Directors and Supervisory Board
  • The organization of the work and the activity of the General Assembly,
  • Τhe Board of Directors and Supervisory Board is implemented by rule and regulations adopted by the General Assembly
  • The Board of Directors consists of seven member elected by the General Assembly.

Association of Operators in Organic Farming Bio Romania

Association of Operators in Organic Farming Bio-Romania is a Romanian legal entity of private law,non-profit, non-governmental and apolitical, independent. The association was founded in September 2008 in accordance with Government Ordinance no. 26/2000. Bio Romania was formed by merging 18 Founding members: associations, cooperatives, companies, processors, exporters, universities and personalities in the field of organic farming. The association advocates for sustainable development of agriculture and the countryside Romanian, education, information and awareness of consumers on the benefits of organic farming both to human health and to the health of nature by promoting consumption of certified organic food. The association aims to identify operators of the same area, leaning through counselling, professional organizations on creating sectors (crop and animal production, processing, marketing, consulting and promotion).

Goal, objectives and activities of the association: The aim of the Association is the development of Romanian organic agriculture by:

  • Promoting excellence in organic farming
  • Increased competitiveness in the field of organic farming and sustainable rural development
  • Harmonizing, representing and defending the interests of operators in organic farming, both nationally and internationally.
  • The main objectives of the association, internationally, are:
  • Representation of the organic farming sector in Romania in relations with associations, federations and unions international branch in the field by promoting the exchange of information, experience and publications of these and initiate programs to develop the organic setor;
  • Promoting the interests of association members in international economic cooperation and attracting foreign capital investment, direct or portfolio;
  • Affiliation to international organizations involved in organic agriculture and related.

Union of Hellenic Chambers UHC

UHC actions pivot around the assumption of it being the State’s enacted advisor on economy and growth in general; it also represents Hellenic Chambers at home and abroad, and provides services to them.

To this end, it develops actions making it an effective tool in the country’s economic and social development.

Based on the above, the UHC has set the following objectives, by order of priority:

  • To perform its consulting role vis-a-vis the authorities in the most effective way, to provide integrated information services to its member-Chambers
  • to efficiently represent Chambers at home and abroad,to assert the management of development projects from the State.

The UHC has set the following priorities:

Essential contribution of the Chambers in economic policy-making and implementation, via the submission of opinions on every economic- related matter or draft law, by the UHC.Active participation in all functioning Committees that the State and various state bodies are setting up from time to time, concerning the economic activity.

Such participation shall pertain to the formulation of joint positions and informed proposals, for a more effective intervention indecisions and choices concerning their members.

An active presence of the UHC abroad, and especially within the European Union, South-Eastern Europe and Eastern Mediterranean. Fostering relations with national Chamber unions in those areas, and in particular, close cooperation and activity within the Eurochambers and the Association of Balkan Chambers.Moreover, easier access to several

financial means is provided to Hellenic businesses and the overall business environment is improved.Maximization and full utilization of the potential that small and medium-sized enterprises have for employment, growth and competitiveness.

All 59 Hellenic Chambers participate in the UHC on an equal basis:

Commerce - Industry - Craft and Professional. In particular, each prefecture has a mixed Chamber, except the country’s three largest cities, which have three Chambers each. Using this network, the UHC represents our country’s entire business world: namely 900 thousand

Hellenic enterprises. UHC, and the member-Chambers, are the connecting link between businesses and public administration, and the official forum for dialogue between the state and the productive classes ACCESS TO FINANCING MEANS


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